IDFA Review: I’m So Sorry

a mushroom cloud

The climate crisis is reaching a crunch point and there has never been as many people in positions of power wanting to change things for the better. Will the agreements struck in Paris and Glasgow be enough? Probably not, but there is at least, for once, a concerted effort to save the planet by the vast majority of countries across the world. One of the key elements in keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees by the end of the century is the move away from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

In most places, it’s not yet possible to simply replace coal with wind or solar power. Nuclear has, for a long time, been seen as a bridge between heavily polluting industry and clean energy. However, there are many risks around this form of power which are often downplayed by governments and corporations. Filmmaker Liang Zhao is determined to highlight the dangers of this approach and I’m So Sorry provides a compelling argument.

I’m So Sorry focuses on the parts of the world that have been impacted the most by nuclear accidents. The desolate landscapes of Fukushima and Chernobyl play host to Zhao’s camera, depicting the harsh reality of life on the ground. Serious incidents at facilities are not uncommon but we largely don’t hear about them unless there’s a disaster. And when there is, as I’m So Sorry illustrates, it can be devastating.  

I’m So Sorry screens at International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam.

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