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Celluloid Screams

Ulises and Dalia

Getting old is not much fun. While we celebrate the fact that medical advances and higher standards of living are increasing life expectancy, at what price? While our body might survive longer that doesn’t mean our mind will. Dementia affects one-in-six people over the age of eighty in the UK and that number is rising …

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Some films are a long time coming. It’s not unusual for a filmmaker to have a passion project. Something they spend years, if no decades, trying to bring to fruition. Often driven by a desire or even obsession to make it that cannot be adequately articulated by words. For Phil Tippett it all began back …

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Fret wakes up to a surprise

In 2021, it has become a heck of a lot easier to imagine what it would be like to live in the middle of a pandemic. As surreal as it might sound, ‘science-fiction’ became reality and there seems to be no end in sight at the moment. It might be a bit too soon to …

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Now in its tenth year, Celluloid Screams has become a key part of the UK horror film festival circuit. Guided by loving hands, it has changed and grown into an extremely popular event, whilst at the same time retaining a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. In previous years it has brought us the likes of The …

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For someone of my age, the online habits of Millennials can be more than slightly perplexing. It wasn’t until recently that I realised Facetime was actually a thing and not just a way of talking about social media without namechecking a particular site. I’m not alone. Hollywood has struggled with concepts of new media, language …

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Take a look on the high street and you could be mistaken in thinking that the festive season has already begun. Christmas for most people is a time of celebration, but for some of us in can feel more like a horror movie. Thankfully, we have the sub-genre of Christmas horror to fall back on. …

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The recent horrific revelations spilling out of Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein seem to have come as a shock to many. However, the abuses within the film industry have been an open secret for decades. Most people have chosen to ignore it, accept it or bury their heads in the sand. The same can be said …

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If you’ve ever had the dubious privilege of working in an office, you’ll be aware of all the niggles, pent-up frustrations and internal anger synonymous with that kind of environment. The pettiness. The back-stabbing. The nepotism. The higher the stakes, the higher the tensions. When salaries start hitting 6 or 7 figures, the rivalry, underhand …

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As a genre film fan, one of the biggest frustrations is the limited access we have to the full array of films being (often) lovingly created. Cinemas are often full of forgettable and confusing franchise sequels which tend to merge into one big lump of nothing. Occasionally, the likes of The Babadook, The Witch, Get …

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There are few, if any, Asian film directors with a vision as distinctive and unique as Sion Sono. Unfortunately, this leads to a varying quality of output. For every Love Exposure, Cold Fish, Suicide Club or Noriko’s Dinner Table there’s a Tokyo Tribe, Shinjuku Swan or Bad Film. His latest film to hit the UK …

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