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The Last Dinosaur

NO, AND you’d be forgiven for thinking it with the name they trade under, but the experimental ambient duo The Arteries of New York City isn’t some semi-psychogeographical project arising from dérives across that city from Queens or Yonkers or somewhere in the Five Boroughs; the project instead has its roots our side of the …

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A FEW weeks ago, yr humble scribe bet the farm a little bit while completely enraptured by The Last Dinosaur’s “Wholeness & The Implicate Order” (and anyway, isn’t this what we want from music? To transport us, elevate us, make us throw normal order to the wind?). The writer – and by the writer, I …

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THE LAST DINOSAUR is the musical nom-de-plume of Jamie Cameron, of whom we said the following when he first trailed “Wholeness & The Implicate Order” last month; and which we unashamedly reproduce herein. “THERE is out there, in the wide pantheon of pop, a neat little galaxy reserved for the absolute auteur, the sort of …

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THERE is out there, in the wide pantheon of pop, a neat little galaxy reserved for the absolute auteur, the sort of artiste whose canon is basically unassailable, whose deftness and complexity is the subject of whispers. I mean, Kate Bush. She has to be in there; OK, not my bag personally, but. The Blue …

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The Last Dinosaur

Hewn from the emotional turmoil of personal tragedy and challenge, The Last Dinosaur (aka London-based soundscape artist Jamie Cameron) releases new album “The Nothing” on 7th July via Naim Records. It’s been 8 years since debut release “Hooray! For Happiness” and a triumphant return. The first single from the new album is the beautiful, gentle …

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