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Mark Cousins

At the end of World War II, the Allies had assumed they’d banished the scourge of fascism from Europe forever. However, a hundred years after the March on Rome, seen as the birth of the modern movement, it’s raising its face again. In countries like Hungary, where it holds a sway, but more troubling in …

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A young Jeremy Thomas

When we talk about British cinema we usually focus on actors or directors. Occasionally a cinematographer or two and maybe even an editor or sound engineer, if we’re feeling generous. Although hey play a pivotal role in bringing films to fruition, it’s rare to talk about producers. One of the best is Jeremy Thomas. He’s …

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To say Mark Cousins loves film would be an understatement, to say the least. The former host of Moviedrome went on to create the definitive history of film in The Story of Film: An Odyssey, along with several other documentaries focusing on cinema. The Northern Irish filmmaker is also highly curious and inquisitive. Many of …

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There are few, if any, film-makers or cinephiles doing more to promote, enlighten and educate than Mark Cousins. The adopted Northern Irishman was responsible for introducing a whole generation to the delights of outsider cinema in his ‘90s TV series Moviedrome. His documentary The Story of Film: An Odyssey re-wrote film history and remains the …

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Mark Cousins’ love and devotion to film is unquestionable. Cinephile, film maker and occasional critic’s, his greatest work to date is the 15-hour opus The Story of Film: An Odyssey. Subsequently, he’s been involved with several other low budget projects with The Story of Children and Film being the most commercially, and critically, successful. In …

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The Cinema of Childhood comes to the Showroom Cinema in Sheffield in July. Curated by eminent film scholar and filmmaker Mark Cousins, the season will be touring around the UK until the end of the year. It’s a unique opportunity to see wonderful films about childhood which have rarely or never been seen in the …

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