In Christopher Menaul‘s period drama, Louisa [Jenny Seagrove], is a shopkeeper making the best of things on Nazi-occupied Jersey. Around her, boys in flat caps tear around the beautiful countryside on bicycles, Nazis parade in their pomp, and the stage looks set for a cosy, Sunday tea time film about plucky Brits surviving against the …

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Part of UCLA’s ‘Film School Shorts’ series, Googly Eyes is a thirteen-minute comedy about Gary (Cooper Barnes), a slacker whose chronic earache stirs up memories of his childhood and unresolved baggage with his ex-girlfriend Suzy (Laura Spencer). Shot in black and white, and focusing on a tense and shifting relationship between two apartment-sharing twenty-somethings, it’s reminiscent of another quirky, inner-city …

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Hidden Figures is a true story about races, in both senses of the word. It is about black and white communities in segregated 1961 Virginia, and about three women (and one nation) sprinting to be first. NASA ‘calculator’ Mary (Janelle Monáe) dreams of being the Agency’s first African American woman engineer but can’t get there …

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