Posts in tag

electronic soul

EP: Montreal’s Busty and the Bass release the groove of ‘The ET Suite’

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Thing with having your own Radio 1 Residency is it’s the ideal place to premiere your own material, which is exactly what James Blake did last night. It’s another surprise following his atmospheric reworking of Don Mclean’s Vincent that he dropped on Christmas Eve. It’s introspective, blurring electronic soul, Blake’s vocal obscured and altered giving …

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If his debut EP and follow up ‘Games’ which featured his friend – artist ARY, then Duck Hunting, the new single from Norwegian singer-songwriter Gundelach is really going to set the cat amongst the pigeons. Not in a literal sense though, this is smooth, post-Fleetwood Mac soul, full of sweeping analogue synths, and his own …

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If you need some rather beautiful electronic soul to brighten your day, then Row Me Home, the new track from Australian songwriter Jack Grace will probably float your boat. Its completely stripped down, with this vaguely gospel feel about it shrouded in these almost eerie wisps of electronica. It comes on the back of his …

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South London indie wonders The xx have released the second song from their forthcoming album “I See You”, due to be released on 13th January via Young Turks. The highly anticipated album follows the massively successful “XX” and “Coexist”, which garnered the band massive praise from the music press and saw many of their songs …

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Following on his debut EP, Evil Twin, which came out on the 37 Adventures imprint, Leeds based producer Krrum (named after a meat rub from his days working in butchery in Derbyshire) has wasted no time in releasing a new single, Still Love. More soulful that the neon glow of previous single Hard on You, …

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If you’ve fell in love (an easy thing to do) with Milwaukee, the current single from Lancaster’s Lake Komo, you might like to check out the indie-soul electro of the band live. Helpfully, they’ve just announced an October tour beginning at Manchester’s Neighbourhood Festival on 8th, and going right through to a date at the …

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Melatonin, the opening track of Volition, the long overdue debut album from Brighton based electonic group Phoria, sums it up. Shades of James Blake (an almost constant influencer in these days of electronic soul) purvey througout, but there’s also some Sigur Ros in there with its winsome melodies and ambitious musical sensibilities and some of …

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Speaking of their new single, Jonathan Bowden, one half of Sydney duo PLGRMS, says “Fools And Their Gold speaks of someone denying the inevitable end of a relationship. They can’t – or won’t – let go, despite knowing that it’s not good for them.” The track has that sense of melancholy, despite its sweetness, as …

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Ahead of his album Haunted Paradise which drops this summer via Fool’s Gold, Canadian electronic soul/R&B singer songwriter Alex Fleming, who records under the moniker of Black Atlass has released the latest insight into his new record with a single, Island Love. As with the previous tracks he/’s recently released – Haunted Paradise and Tonight, …

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Lover Go is the debut single from Welsh electronic artist MRGD, aka London based Marged Sion. Described as “the distance between the emotional entanglement within a controlling relationship and the strength and empowerment of being able to move on”, the track features production from SAKIMA, who’s previously worked with Ryan Hemsworth and Cyril Hahn. Lover …

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