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DVD/Blu-Ray Review

Film Review: Initiation

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Blu-Ray Review: Carla’s Song

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Whilst Japanese cinema is widely known for the work of Akira Kurosawa, and to a lesser extent Yasujirō Ozu, latterly it’s become renowned for horror and extreme cinema. There’s always been a strong seem of independent film making in Japan, often under the Western radar, with only a few indie films making it over here …

I’m not sure whether it’s the cold or the enthusiastic participation in the consumption of hard liquor, but the Northern and Eastern Europeans have a very odd sense of humour. I remember watching a popular Russian family comedy franchise about a bunch of drunks who kept getting drunk and into bother, and wondering: “What on …

As the opening credits roll over a rural Australian backwater, don’t let the jaunty music lure you into a false sense of security. There’s an uncomfortable ride in store for you. Beautifully restored for the Masters of Cinema series, based on a best-selling novel by Kenneth Cook , Wake in Fright is a brutal drama …

I’m struck by the thought, after the first five minutes of The Borderlands, that I may be about to watch another sub-par found footage film. It’s a genre which periodically unearths the odd diamond in the rough, but for the most part is littered with the corpses of enthusiastic failures. Thankfully, I had no need …