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Gallery: Chicano Batman/ Lido Pimienta at Union Transfer, Philadelphia, 13.05.2024

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Gallery: CSS/ Sloppy Jane at The Foundry, Philadelphia, 06.05.2024

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News: GANGgajang set to headline Nimbin Roots Festival in October 2024

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Jethro Tull had made their point with Thick as a Brick. Progressive rock simply didn’t have to be overblown and pompous, it could be cheeky, subversive, and (dare I say it) fun. Having successfully lampooned the genre with stunning results resulting in an album which was far better than the majority who took this sort …

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In the never ending quest to unearth bands that hang out mainly off grid in the far corner of the left field, I recently found myself wondering (that’s not a typo – it was wonderful) around Berlin chasing Bowie’s ghost with Juliette from Berlin ‘weird post-punk’ outfit Kamoos. If you want to know more about …

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For those unfamiliar with them The Duckworth Lewis Method are a collaboration between Neil Hannon of The Divine Comedy and Thomas Walsh of cult power pop act Pugwash. They’re a band boasting two top draw creative forces whose records just happen to be themed around cricket. Now, on the surface, many might assume that you …

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Vermont duo Pro and Learic, aka The Aztext return with a new track, Everyday Sun, featuring singer-songwriter Xenia Dunford. Currently working on their fifth full-length EP, Pro describes the song as being ‘meant to make people feel good’, before adding that the song is ‘A summer jam meant to warm the soul’. It’s a laid …

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Brisbane-based artist Chakra Efendi came to our attention with his excellent debut single ‘Waste of Space’ earlier this year. He’s back with a new release ‘Grow Up’ which is a fitting companion to the earlier release as it farewells the adolescent themes inherent in ‘Waste of Space’ and welcomes Efendi’s melancholic low-fi somewhat reluctant transformation …

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Soft Science warned us with their first two double A singles from ‘Maps’ that something very special was on its way and, in ‘Maps’, something special has been delivered. Hailing from sunny California, Soft Science have gifted an album rooted to some extent in a very British shoegaze cloak that is yet somehow imbued with …

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San Mei is the work of Gold Coast’s Emily Hamilton and her new single, ‘Wonder’, is a fantastic, slightly scuzzy, psych-tinged blast of pop. Incorporating elements of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and little bit of Garbage, ‘Wonder’ is bursting with energy and attitude with just a light dusting of grit to give it an inherent …

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Hailing originally from Western Australia’s gorgeous Margaret River region, Melbourne-based singer/songwriter Ro has just released a delightful, whimsical debut single called “Diary” that wearily expounds her desire to let her lover read her diary to see what she really thinks. Ro explains: “The chorus has a bit of irony, because I don’t actually recommend giving …

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Oakland outfit Lumerians are a prodigious force in the extra-terrestrial realms of experimental rock music. Since forming in San Francisco back in 2006, the band have traversed their way through multiple different genres – offering mind-bending adventures into everything from space-rock, kraut and noise to zamrock, free jazz, drone and dub. Drawing from a range …

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Discovering an artist at their emergence, untapped and unexplored, is one of the greatest pleasures of a music-lover; the only thing better is when you can divine the potential it holds, knowing that what you just heard has a determined sense of direction – a place to go. Jeans Shephard’s debut single ‘Burden’ is a …

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