Here at Backseat Mafia we are unabashed fans of Jekyll since their debut, and have already reviewed – very enthusiastically – a number of singles off their new EP ‘The Whispering Gallery’ (The Escapist, I Do What I Can and Marionette).
‘The Whispering Gallery’ collates these releases and adds two new track – ‘Echoes (Uncut)’ and ‘Midnight Swim’ and there couldn’t be a more exciting release. Jekyll combine hard rocking driving rhythms with divine melodious, soaring and vaulting choruses: epic walls of sound. I’ve written before and write again: Jekyll paint sonic cinematic soundscapes that are immense, dramatic and profound. If you have to catelogue them, they are somewhere to the more restrained and melodic side of Muse but you can detect a genetic strand that comes from bands as diverse as The Verve, Radiohead, Depeche Mode and The Manic Street Preachers.
New songs maintain the high standard. Echoes (Uncut) has a restrained more melancholic start before thundering into abrasive, satisfying interludes, melodies and harmonies and celestial choruses.
‘Midnight Swim’ is a slower, haunting ballad that puts the vocals and musicianship of Jekyll up front: it is, quite simply put, beautiful.
The Whispering Gallery is that rare creature: every track on the EP is an absolute delight. Production is crisp and clear, each song an anthem. Melodic indie rock at its very, very best. Go and get the album here. Jekyll were one of the many bands who had their dreams somewhat crushed by being invited to play at SXSW only to see the event cancelled due to COVID-19, and deserve as much support as you can give.

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