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Glasgow Film Festival

In order to successfully make a point, it’s often necessary to frame it within a story. Storytelling has been used from the time of early cave-dwellers for a number of different purposes. For example, parables in the Bible or Aesop’s Fables are used as forms of instructional, cautionary or morality tales. In Srdan Golubovic’s new …

More than any other time in modern history, people around the world are realising just how important animals are in our lives. Pets play a huge part in improving wellbeing, tackling anxiety and calming nervousness. We’re increasingly living more isolated lifestyles and whilst we might connect with others online, it’s not the same as that …

A group of workers

It doesn’t matter how much developed nations progress. How far science and technology drive any given society forward. Whilst capitalism exists in its current form, the rich will always get richer, the poor will always get poorer. Any cost-saving measures or industrial innovations come at the expense of jobs. Reduced prices for increasingly fragile labour …


The Western view of Asian cinema is mainly influenced by what mostly predominates our popular culture. The majority of films with big releases over here involve horror, swordplay or kung-fu. Thankfully, this is gradually changing, with a more diverse range of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and other Asian films seeing the light of day in Europe …