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Track: Fingerless – Get My Money Back

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Fingerless never stay in the same spot but continually explore new ways to display their musical prowess and creativity. Their new single ‘Now Words Can Touch It’ maintains their unerring skill at delivering a bucketful of melody, but, as ever, they have switched the delivery mechanism to an atmospheric electronic gurgle that bubbles and squeaks …

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We are inordinately proud to bring you an exclusive taste of the new single ‘Yes Today’ from one of our favourite local Meanjin/Brisbane outfits, Fingerless, released through one of our favourite labels, the ultra chic 4000 Records. Fingerless like to surprise their audiences with their musical guises, displaying a mastery of styles that can range …

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Ever the musical chameleons, and let’s face it, musical geniuses, Brisbane’s formidable Fingerless are already following up the release of their album ‘Life, Death & Prizes’ earlier this year with a brand new single ‘Cry A Little’ that whips us right back to the crooning fifties. In fact, nicknamed the Roy Orbison song by the …

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It is with the greatest of pleasures that we bring you an early listen to the long awaited album from those highly talented musical chameleons from Brisbane, Fingerless. A series of utterly brilliant and innovative singles over the past few years has ensured Fingerless are one of my favourite exports from the deep north, and …

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We are catatonic with excitement to premiere another slice of Brisbane joy from the magnificent and criminally underrated Fingerless, with their new droplet of pleasure, ‘More To Come’. Musical Chameleons as they are, this is a smooth snaky slice of sunshine from the band that has a Queens of the Stone Age element to it, …

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Ever the promoter of sonic innovation and taste maker extraordinaire, 4000 Records, has rounded up two of Brisbane’s most exciting artists (and perennial favorites here at the antipodean headquarters of Backseat Mafia), Cloud Tangle and Fingerless, for a limited edition split single. The inspiration for this momentous occasion couldn’t be cooler: the release of the …

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We are infinitely pleased to premiere the new single from those chameleons of indie rock, Brisbane band Fingerless. This band continues to defy definition and, in their new single ‘You Are Going To Die’, even gravity, in their fascinating output. Following on from their last single – the magnificent ‘Leaf of Stone’ (see my review …

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4000 Records in Brisbane might only two years old but it has already developed an impressive and formidable roster in that short time. To celebrate a challenging couple of years since its inception, Chief Musical Officer John Russell organised a day long showcase for his bands – an incredible audacious feat battling COVID restrictions, a …

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4000 Records in Brisbane is celebrating its second birthday today – an innovative boutique agency that has on its roster some of the most exciting and diverse talent in Brisbane. And that is quite a feat considering Brisbane is an absolute hotbed of artistic talent at the moment. Backseat Mafia has enthusiastically reviewed output from …

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Featuring a coterie of their Brisbane friends, Fingerless have just released an all consuming video for the track ‘Leaf of Stone’, premiered by us last month. And consumption is certainly the theme as chips are devoured with an intense seriousness (as well as the odd beer). Irreverent, dry and with a tongue firmly planted in …

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