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Geoffrey O'Connor

Geoffrey O’Connor, who played in iconic Melbourne pop band Crayon Fields, has just released a magnificent solo album, ‘For As Long As I Remember’, and it is a shining beacon of sparkling, intelligent pop that provide aural succour during these dark times. Every song features duets with iconic singers which adds textures and layers that …

Singer/songwriter/producer Geoffrey O’Connor set my radar beeping with his release last month ‘For As Long As I Remember’, the reflective and delicate track featuring the dulcet vocals of Jonnine from the band HTRK as a duet. He has now returned with another blissful sunlit escapade, ‘What A Scene’, this time with Melbourne artist Sui Zhen stepping up to …

Flutes never sounded so good as the arpeggiated riff that sinuously winds its way through ‘For As Long As I Remember’, the reflective and delicate track from singer/songwriter/producer Geoffrey O’Connor. Featuring the dulcet vocals of Jonnine from the band HTRK as a duet, this is an atmospheric and catchy synth pop tune that exudes an …