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King Krule

A year has passed since Archy Marshall, famously known as King Krule, released his critically acclaimed fourth studio album, ‘Space Heavy’. The South London artist has now made a grand return with a new EP titled ‘SHHHHHHH!’, now available through XL Recordings / Remote Control. This record includes four highly sought-after tracks: ‘Achtung’, ‘All Soup …

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A slower slice of troubling hip-hop, following the paranoid claustrophobia of “100”.  NYC’s new rap heroes mix it up with London’s King Krule. The video for “So Sick Stories” puts Ratking and their British guest in a set of nondescript, alienating, brutalistic urban locales. Their cross to bear is one of sadness, anger, listlessness, lived …

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King Krule videos have always nosedived into the surreal. ‘Rock Bottom’ s visual accompaniment transfigured the desolation-induced lyrics into a beautifully contorted mess of Lynchian, Kafkaesque and beat generation reference work, with sparse industrial landscapes, cockroach wallpapers, black lodge diners, cactus women and a pack of brutish ‘city boys’ summoning a real sense of dread, …

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