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New Wave Films

Whilst the results usually take longer to settle, one of the most fruitful approaches to documentary filmmaking is to merely observe. To create a situation where the camera is as non-invasive as possible and simply capture events taking place without direction or interference. The great Frederick Wiseman has shown the immersive power of this medium …

According to Wikipedia, a cordillera is ‘an extensive chain and/or network system of mountain ranges’. Derived from a Spanish word, one of the most notable examples are the Andes Mountains. They form the longest continental range in the world and span seven different countries down the western side of South America. They’re the highest outside …

While most people have probably never heard of him, Hong Sang-soo will be a familiar name to cinephiles across the world. For decades now, the Korean filmmaker has been one of the darlings of the festival circuit, winning numerous awards along the way. Including the Golden and Silver Bears at Berlin, Un Certain Regard at …

The scientists descend into the caves

Modern exploration is usually looking up to the stars, but there are still so many places on this planet which are mysteries to us. The heart of the Amazon Rainforest, the deepest oceans and sometimes the ground beneath our feet. In the 1960s, young speleologists (cave scientists and enthusiasts) explored Europe’s deepest cave. They reached …

Nora and Abel

I think most of us still have vague memories of our first day or days at school. Especially if we’ve moved around and have endured several. Even if they’re now just abstract feelings of terror. Everything seemed so big and scary, and that wasn’t just the older kids! There was a system. A hierarchy. One …

The use of the death penalty remains controversial, to say the least. While in most developed countries, but tellingly not all of the United States of America, it has been phased out, there are over fifty countries where it’s still actively used. Even Iran’s fairly dreadful COVID record didn’t stop the Islamic republic using it …

Muzami longs for a normal life

Life in Sudan isn’t easy at the best of times, but the ongoing military coup highlights just how fragile human rights and democracy remain in the north-east African country. With an economy driven by oil production, there’s much to fight over, but any profits are only shared by the few. As is the case in …

Rose as Julie

Humans are naturally curious. Whilst this inquisitiveness often fades as we get older, the impulse to discover our roots remains strong. Whether this is in the forlorn hope that despite an entirely unremarkable life we might have colourful and/or famous ancestors or simply an attempt to understand why we are the person we’ve become. For …

Elia Suleiman is confused

Unfortunately, once again our news feeds are dominated by tensions in Israel and it seems that there’s unlikely to ever be a satisfactory resolution to this lengthy conflict. Whilst there are often Israeli films at European festivals it’s much rarer to get content from Palestinian directors. Let’s be honest, occupation tends to focus the mind …

It’s certainly not easy growing up as a teenage girl in the modern world, regardless of where you live. You probably feel assailed from every side. If it’s not the media’s relentless obsession towards beauty and perfection or the toxic social media, it’s boys being utter twerps. At least growing up in a Western democracy …