Psychic Lemon

Say Psych: Interview: Meet The Label – The Weird Beard
Neo-Psychedelia has become the fastest growing musical trend, and the genre that everyone who wants to be associated with. With that in mind, it’s easy to forget that it is people who make all of this possible and get the music out into the public domain in the first place. Say Psych plans to address …

Say Psych: Album Review: The Reverb Conspiracy – Volume 6
The mission statement of London-based independent label Fuzz Club is to uncover and celebrate the best in fuzz, reverb and drone from every corner of the globe. As well as via their extensive back- catalogue and their Fuzz Club Eindhoven festival, one such particular medium through which they do this is their annual Reverb Conspiracy …

Say Psych: Playlist, 13/2016
Well we’re nearly halfway through 2016 and I thought it would be a good point to stop and reflected on some of the great albums that have already come out this year. Once again it has been a fabulous year for my sort of music so here are the fifteen albums (ok one’s a box …

Say Psych: Album Review, Psychic Lemon by Psychic Lemon
Hold the front page…this just in…Psychic Lemon formed a couple of years ago in Cambridge and, from what I can find out, have had a few tracks out and have been building a local following for themselves. Then, blammo, they appear as if from nowhere with a fully formed and with really good debut album …

Say Psych: Playlist 2/2016
Here’s my second playlist of the year, which is shaping up to be yet another brilliant one musically with some great new releases and long overdue re-issues. Flemish Weave by Mugstar “Rarely after listening to an album do I just want to sit in silence for a moment to think about what I have …