Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival

Tallinn Black Nights Review: Other People
At the beginning of the twentieth century, musical theatre became increasingly popular with audiences who demanded light relief from the socio-political issues leading up to, and during, World War I. With the advent of ‘talkies’ in the 1920s, musicals made the logical transition onto the big screen. This move opened the medium up to a …

Tallinn Black Nights Review: Alice, Through The Looking
As all intellectuals are inclined to do, I would start this piece with some sort of relevant academic quote. Preferably from a writer, philosopher or cultural studies expert who you may know the name of, but are all together unsure of their merits or ideas. If I was to do this however, I would be …

Tallinn Black Nights Review: On Our Way
Making the transition from in front to behind the camera can be a tough journey. The abilities needed to act have little in common with those to direct, so in order to gain the skills and knowledge necessary you have to invest a lot of extra time and effort. Traditionally, this move happens after someone …

Tallinn Black Night Review: A PLace Called Dignity
After the end of World War II, many Nazis fled to safe havens abroad, often ending up in South America where they (generally) received a warm welcome. It’s estimated that almost 10,000 Nazi officers and collaborators forged a new life in Argentina, Brazil or Chile. The latter played host to Colonia Dignidad, an isolated commune …

Tallinn Black Night Review: Quake
While we take it for granted, our memory is vital to every aspect of our daily lives. Our experiences and actions make us who we are, for better or worse. Even the most basic functions are hardwired into our brain. If that’s suddenly taken away then how is it possible to cope with the void …

Tallinn Black Nights Review: Erasing Frank
Rising from the ashes of numerous different movements and sounds, punk rock established itself as a major music genre in the 1970s. The main hubs were New York City and London, but it caught the imagination of a generation of disenfranchised youths all around the world. While much of the focus was on the US …

Tallinn Black Nights Review: A Vanishing Fog
The Sumapaz Páramo is the largest stretch of alpine tundra ecosystem in the world. This huge swath of Andean moorland is located in the Altiplano Cundiboyacense near the Columbian capital. It’s an ecologically rich and wonderfully biodiverse area which provides water for the inhabitant of Bogota. It’s considered to be a sacred place by the …

Tallinn Black Night Review: Night Forest
There’s nothing most of us like more than a good adventure. One which tasks the mind and body while offering the prospect of treasure at the end of the quest. Whilst initially becoming popular in literature, it’s a notion which has gamely spread into television, video games and films. The obvious examples are Indiana Jones …

Tallinn Black Nights Review: Fear
Whilst immigration, and the control thereof, is an issue for almost every country, in the EU it has become a political hot potato. Although the focus is often on Greece, France or Italy, each country has their own challenges and issues. Southern Europe sees most of its migration come from Africa, but in countries like …

Tallinn Black Nights Review: Beasts
Men can be animals. In fact, when something truly awful happens you can bet your life it wasn’t a woman who did it. Whilst the scourge of toxic masculinity is arguably on the wane in the West, it still holds sway across much of the globe. It’s a man’s world and many spheres are still …