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FIlm Review

Film Review: Initiation

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Film Review: Zana

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The ‘boy’s’ own adventure has been popular since mass publication began. These ripping yarns appeared in comic books and magazines, capturing the imagination of active young minds. They became a staple of children’s books, such as The Famous Five, Just William or The Secret Seven, and have produced many memorable TV shows and films like …

Whilst it’s hardly an Olympic sport, pigeon racing is surprisingly still quite popular in many places around the world; especially in Asia. While it can be traced back almost two thousand years, it has been given a new lease of life with the concept of ‘one loft racing’. This is where a group of the …

In the twenty-first century, the ‘developed world’ has solidified itself as an acolyte of the god of consumerism. Shiny new things are bought on a whim and discarded with an equal amount of thought. Our lives are built on disposability. Instead of repairing or patching we simply replace. Make do and mend is largely a …

The twenty-first century has seen a renewed fascination with the art of filmmaking and the very essence of cinema. This has led to a number of films which have been both a celebration of the process and enjoyed breaking the fourth wall. To exit one narrative and enter a completely new one. This form of …

Today, the internet is overrun by a myriad of peculiar and ridiculous conspiracy theories. Most of which are dangerous and harmful in one way of another. This is not a new phenomenon though. Far from it. The moon landing, Roswell and JFK are examples of three which have remained popular decades later. The idea that …

It might be stating the obvious, but the United States of America is a vast country, with a huge diversity of landscape and people. With much of the media scrutiny focuses on events taking place in New York City or Washington DC, if not the more vocal Southern states, it can be easy to overlook …

Diabetes kills around five million people every year and is a condition which can often be debilitating for countless more. If you have type 1, your immune system actively attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is where the human body does not produce enough, or react to, insulin.  The former …

Making a film involves a lot of blood, sweat and tears. It also demands a huge commitment on the part of the filmmakers, both personally and often financially. It can be a labour of love, but all directors are not equal when it comes to bringing their projects to fruition. Especially when they live under …

You can’t conquer Afghanistan. Many empires have tried and failed to govern this region.  Even if you’re able to gain a foothold, it’s a constant uphill battle which you’re guaranteed to lose in the end. This is due to several factors. Firstly, there’s the inhospitable terrain, which comprises mountainous fortresses and unforgiving deserts; not to …

One of the greatest scourges of modern cinema is that of the remake. Lazy Hollywood producers notice the success of a film that is (usually) made in a language other than English and decide it’s a cheap shortcut to making a lot of money. Sadly, 95% of the time, the result is something fairly awful. …