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Film Review: Initiation

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Blu-Ray Review: Carla’s Song

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Film Review: Zana

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Lance Armstrong is probably the most famous cyclist in the world, if not sportsperson. Between 1999 and 2005 he won the Tour de France a record breaking seven times consecutively, after having successfully recovered from testicular cancer. However, he’s always been dogged by rumour and speculation that he was doping in order to achieve his …

I don’t generally do monster movies.  In fact I don’t generally do what the BBFC would deem ‘sustained threat and peril’.  I blame watching slightly scary films on television with my Nannan, who would view them with the affect of a coiled spring.  When anything happened to make you jump, she would grab the nearest …

Stones Throw Records was founded by Chris Manak (Peanut Butter Wolf). Based in Los Angeles, California, the avant-garde independent record label is run with the ethos that if Wolf likes it, they’ll release it. Since its inception in 1996, and building a reputation largely around hip hop until fairly recently, Stones Throw have released music …

The idea behind Inside Llewyn Davis began with a single premise: Suppose Dave Van Ronk got beat up outside of Gerde’s Folk City in Greenwich Village. Taking that as their starting point, and basing the titular character very loosely on Van Ronk himself, the Coen Brothers wanted to make a film that was set just …

Patricia Highsmith is a criminally underrated American novelist, probably best known for the film adaptations of her work. Her first book, Strangers on a Train, has been adapted several times (most famously by Alfred Hitchcock), but it’s probably The Talented Mr Ripley for which she is most renowned. It has also been adapted several times, …

Written and directed by master filmmaker Jia Zhangke (The World, Still Life), this daring, poetic and grand-scale film focuses on four characters, each living in different provinces, who are driven to violent ends. An angry miner, enraged by widespread corruption in his village, decides to take justice into his own hands. A rootless migrant discovers …

The monster movie isn’t dead, it’s GODZILLA. Directed by Gareth Evans, who made the extraordinary low budget Monsters, Godzilla stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen, Juliette Binoche, Sally Hawkins, David Strathairn, and Bryan Cranston. By all accounts, it’s likely to be the best blockbuster of the year. Godzilla is out in cinemas this weekend

A glamorous American couple, the charismatic Chester MacFarland (Viggo Mortensen) and his alluring younger wife Colette (Kirsten Dunst), are in Athens during a European vacation. While sightseeing at the acropolis they encounter Rydal (Oscar Isaac), a young, Greek-speaking American who is working as a tour guide, scamming female tourists on the side. Drawn to Colette’s …

Andrzej Wajda is a leading light of the Polish Film School and the most prominent Polish filmmaker. He’s received Academy Award Nominations for Best Foreign Language Film for The Promised Land, The Maids of Wilko, Man of Iron, and Katyn, and was awarded an Honorary Oscar 1999. Man of Marble, and its sequel Man of …

Since 1985 Studio Ghibli has been producing beautiful animated films, and thankfully over the last decade the West has begun to appreciate their magic. Co-founder and leading light Hayao Miyazaki’s is unquestionably the greatest animator of all time, producing such marvels as Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away and …