Meet: The Brighton Collective And Your New Favourite Band – Opus Kink

Berhnard Deckert

Brighton collective Opus Kink are taking the country by storm with their frantic groove-filled madcap mash up of punk, jazz and rock. We managed to catch them to answer some of our questions.

Give us a potted history of the band 

The band formed in 1999 as a support group for genius problem-toddlers. After a brief 20 years of ibogaine therapy we were locked in a rehearsal room in Brighton and our coping mechanisms manifested as pretending to be James Brown or Nick Cave depending on the weather outside which was described to us by an unreliable narrator. Now most of us live in London and we play a lot of shows and write stunted dance music and never quite stop having a cold. 

Who inspired you to start making music 

It was either the God of Abraham, Ellie from woodwork or Jack Black depending on which band member you corner.

And the one or maybe two records that inspired you artistically 

We’re forever trying to reconcile Hank Williams with Super Mama Djombo but here is no reconciliation and therein lies the crux.

If you’re trying to explain who you sound like to someone that’s never heard you, what do you say

Come to the show and then you can tell us yourself whatever batshit comparison springs to mind.

Tell us about your new track

‘The Unrepentant Soldier’ is out on Nice Swan Records. Recorded at Rockfield with Thighpaulsandra. Second single from the EP which is out in June. It’s about little children filling buckets with blood. It features an innard-knotting trumpet solo from Jack Banjo Courtney.

Where can we get hold of it 

You can stream it to your heart’s content as of now and it’ll be out on vinyl with the EP in summer.

Tell us how you write

We circle it from all angles then wait until it’s dead before consuming it. It’s usually hours of inconsequential jamming compressed into a garbage cube of intense purity. I write all the words after the music is forced into this discernible shape. Either that or I’ll bring a bad miserable country song into the mix and the others will make it something good and fast.

Tell us about your live show and how much have you been missing it

Our live show is like watching the cast of ‘Rainbow’ trying to subliminally sell you MDMA via the medium of military exercise while Jane Fonda reads from Ecclesiastes as her skin begins to slough from her bones.

What can we expect from you in the near future

Our debut EP will be out on 17th June 2022 on Nice Swan Records.

Tell us your favourite records that’s rocking your headphones/tour bus/stereo

‘Born A Worm’ by Dan Reeder, ‘Jesus’ Blood’ by Gavin Briars, ‘La Mer’ by Julio Iglesias, ‘Bailando’ by Enrique Iglesias & ‘A Celebration’ by Blue Bendy.

Check out the band’s single The Unrepentant Soldier, below:

Find out more via the bands Facebook or Bandcamp

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  1. […] Read our interview with the band here […]

  2. […] Read our interview with the band here […]

  3. […] Read our interview with the band here […]

  4. […] Read our interview with the band here […]

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