Teeth of the Sea are, for me, one of the most innovative and exciting bands around. They are band whose live performances can have me both up on my feel dancing, and can move me to tears. The band’s output is in turn dramatic and expansive, yet can also be intimate and gentle. To me Teeth of the Sea seem endlessly restless, moving from project to project in a way that seems developmental, but never failing to surprise either.

So when I saw a series of images appearing on the band’s Facebook page over the last few days I got quite excited. Did this mean a new album was imminent? Where would they be going next?
Well as it turned out it did with today’s announcement that ‘Highly Deadly Black Tarantula’ will be released on Rocket Recordings on 6th November, and from the taster released today (see You Tube link below), it is going to be utterly amazing. In just over a minute I got that it is going to be heavy, it is going to be machine-like, it is going to be sinister, and it is going to be claustrophobic. I played it through my hi-fi and it pinned me to the back wall and just kept on slapping me – then scared the fuck out of me.
All in all this has all the hallmarks of being one of the releases of the year. I cannot wait to hear it in full and, of course, review it here.
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