exclusive sessions

Exclusive: Longlight record brilliant live session version of Baba O’Riley for Backseat Mafia
Following on from their recent sophomore single ‘Alara’, Longlight have recorded a stunning version of The Who classic Baba O’Riley for Backseat Mafia. Rising up into must keep a close eye on territory, the duo are on the cusp of releasing their debut ep, and have – through jamming, and writing and and recording together, …

Exclusive: Monokino records Bend or Break live for Backseat Mafia in an At Home Sessions
Dutch composer George van Wetering has been releaseing doses of his odd-ball pop for a while now under the moniker of Monokino, and we were struck by the brilliant ‘Bend or Break‘ he brought out at the end of last month. He’s worked with the likes of Tony Visconti and Kristee Young as well as …

Exclusive: Benjamin Lazar Davis records What Am I live in session for Backseat Mafia
We’ve long been admirers of Benjamin Lazar Davis, the go to man around Brooklyn, well, for everything really. He’s worked with the likes of Okkervil River, Kimbra, Sam Amidon, Anaïs Mitchell, and Lady Lamb, made records on his own and with folk pop collective Cuddle Magic, and in duo settings with Joan Wasser (Joan As …