
Premiere: BabyJake drags Tennessee’s regressive laws on new song ‘We Got to Get Together to Be Free’
Here’s a song we can definitely get behind on principle alone; it just so happens to also be a jam and a half. You may be familiar with Nashville’s BabyJake, who released his debut album The Sun Wakes Up Earlier Now in 2021. You’ve probably heard recently about the legislative attack on drag performers—a shot …
Lawrence Bray – Come And Get Me
Brash, summery rock ‘n’ roll late in the season. A slight points deduction for some Gallagher-esque syllable extension on “me” and “see” but otherwise you can have yourself a good time with the clumping drums, shimmery guitars and cocksure confidence of “Come and Get Me”, the latest single from singer-songwriter Lawrence Bray. Enjoy !
Burning Condors – Last Train Home b/w Gambling Hearts
“Coz every night I’m out with you I’m always chasing that train home” I guess it doesn’t matter where you live – even though this IS, and feels like, a London thing; we’ve all been there, pissed as farts, sodden with autumn rain, fags all wet, pubs shut, no money for expensive clubs, the hideous …
Black Rooster Black Shag – Amsterdam
They come on like a sexed-up, city-dwelling Campbell & Lanegan; the modern, urban cousins of that gothic, reeking-of-myths-and-folk-tales duo. They describe themselves as rock’n’roll noir, broadcasting from Hove, and international in origin (Mirika – NZ/Canada, JJ Symon – Britain/Australia). There’s something Blues in “Amsterdam”‘s sensibility – the power of expression and feeling gained by lyrics …