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Strike Media

Almost everyone will experience mental health issues at some stage in their lives, either directly or through someone they love.  It’s a disease which is highly personal in the way it manifests and one which is extremely difficult to defeat. Representations of these conditions on the big screen have generally been less than impressive. However, …

All too often, the British film industry finds itself mired in cliché and nostalgia. There seems to be an unrelenting thirst for ropey gangster movies, dreadful sub-Inbetweeners comedies starring people who are old enough to know better and period pieces aimed squarely at the ‘grey pound’. We’ve thankfully seen some flickers of life of late …

There have been many different responses to mental illness throughout the ages. In the ancient world it was often conflated with divine communication. In mediaeval times, it was largely viewed as demonic or diabolical possession. As we entered the latter part of the last millennium, we increasingly chose to lock-up ‘the insane’ in establishments like …

I can only imagine the kind of anxiety and fear being in charge of a child can instil in an adult who is more than a little terrified of the responsibility of parenthood. When it comes to losing a child, your own flesh and blood, I could never even contemplate the effect that has on …

Horror is a genre which likes to borrow liberally from folklore and myth. Most famously in the guise of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but vampires and the undead have been prevalent in legends from all over the world. Asia is by no means an exception. Indeed, spirituality and tales of the dead are plentiful across several …