Album Review: The Jesus and Mary Chain reveal their stunning ‘Glasgow Eyes’ – an intoxicating mix of swagger and attitude with just a hint of reflection.

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EP: The delicately beautiful ‘Creatures of Habit’ from Brisbane artist Aren’t is an exquisite triumph. Plus news of launch date.

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Premiere: Versari exclusively unveil for us their new EP Brûle: an epic filled with glorious edits and remixes casting a whole new light on the originals

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‘Provlépseis’ means predictions in Greek, and in the new album from Tori Forsyth, out through Island Records Australia and UMA, becomes a mysterious label for a blistering, visceral piece of work with a pop heart and barbed-wire veins. Combining Forsyth’s swooping, ascendant vocals with chunky, thundering guitars and an insistent driving rhythm gives wings to …

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Last year’s debut album ‘First’ by The Finalists (reviewed by me here) was a highly impressive entrance: I summed it up as being a collection of deeply personal songs that were heartfelt and passionate, raw and emotional, touched with humour and self reflection. We are very pleased to premiere the new video for the magnificent …

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Like a projectile from a cannon, Voodoo Bloo‘s ‘MMA’ blasts out with indiscriminate intent and an ultimate sense of hedonism and thrills. It’s wild and anarchic, visceral and unhinged and such a relentless piece of anarchy, you’ll be on pills for your nerves after one listen. And then you’ll want to play it again. Voodoo …

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Brisbane artist Austen has just released a sun-infused blast of pure indie pop in the track ‘North South East West’. Slinky instrumentation and an indelible melody serve together to create something that is vibrant and catchy while retaining an indie edge with the chunky guitars. Austen’s vocals are a delight – shining and bright during …

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When he isn’t providing the bottom line for DMAs, Sydney’s Tom Crandle is Prudence – a dreamy solo project that is ethereal and shimmering. We reviewed his single ‘Heart Sways’ this time last year and Prudence has followed this with the EP ‘Untitled’: a natural progression that sees his song writing craft developing and becoming …

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Deep within the fabric of the lush material in ‘Scatterbrain’, the new album from New Zealand legends The Chills, is an indelible and poignant thread that binds the album together – wry observations on the temporality of life and the transience of existence; delivered with a poetic simplicity and compassion. It is no wonder such …

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Dublin’s The Crayon Set have just unveiled the utterly gorgeous single ‘Don’t Step Back Too Far’: a fey, wistful track that is delicate and pastoral. Intriguingly built on a bubbling, liquid electronic surface, the vocals are melancholic and haunting with a melody that is intricate and holds fast. There is a tension between the message …

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The busiest and most creative man in the music industry is at it again. Not that long after releasing the magnificent ‘Jupiter 13’ with Martin Kennedy (see my review here), Steve Kilbey has just announced he will be touring with The Winged Heels – a sort of local supergroup – and releasing a double album …

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Dreamy languorous vocals floating distantly above simple dappling guitars sum up the beautiful track from Sydney artist Astrals (Claire Simpson). The track evokes sunbeams and dreams with its delightfully fey vocals – wistful and distant – and indelible melodies. The track shimmers and floats in the air. Astrals says of the track: I’ve spent much …

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RATCAT will always have a special place in any indie band’s heart in Australia for the way they muscled their way into the general commercial charts in the early nineties through sheer people power and without any marketing. But then, they were so good. With an insouciant attitude, stunningly good looks, a thundering three chord …

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