Declan was in Kilkenny for the second night of his thirteen night Arrivals Irish tour with Dani Larkin in support tonight, some might remember I reviewed Dani’s album launch back in December ( ) again tonight she was playing songs from that album and it looked like she has won over a number of new fans here at The Watergate, Though only on the second song and it looked as if disaster might have struck as her Cello players bow snaps and she has to leave the stage, but no! Dani finished out her song only to have Laura McCabe returns with a new bow and all this was taken in both artist strides as they play a fantastic set.

Its now time for Declan to take to the stage and opening with songs like Painters Light / Zeus & Apollo / Have You Not Heard / The Harbour before taking to the piano for the song Arrivals during which Declan gets very emotional and at times finds it hard to hold back the tears and then the tears win out and Declan has to stall to contain himself all this time the audience are consoling with cheers of encouragement.
After this its Stars Over Kinvarra & Olympian to which we get told it is about an Olympic contestant that is part of the first team of competitors of the first displaced team made up of people that have been displaced from their native countries.
Its two more songs Andy and This Thing that take us into the interval.
After this interval we get Laziest / Time Machine and asked if Sliábh Bloom is that centre of Ireland as its that song next and Declan points out that no matter where he goes in Ireland there is always a sign post to Sliábh Bloom. Its Sarah / Indian Meal / Whatever Else Happens, before a lengthy story about Pádraig and Cáit Ua Buacalla through whose eyes the Famine unfolds in all its inhumanity which the next song is all about Poor Boys Shoes. Its then the final song Real Love before and encore which starts with Declan reading some pages from his new book The Pawnbroker’s Reward which again involves the aforementioned Pádraig & Cáit.
The night finishes out with a song that has been called for throughout the night Galileo.

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