News: Austria’s Wuodan’s Wunde announce debut album ‘Es Glimmt Empor Aus Ewger Nacht’ (‘It Glows Upwards from Eternal Night’ through Altare Productions.

Set for release on 16 January 2023, Austrian atmospheric black metal merchants Wuodan’s Wunde today announce the release of the debut album ‘Es Glimmt Empor Aus Ewger Nacht’ (‘It Glows Upwards from Eternal Night’), via Altare Productions, a Portuguese label specialising in black metal.

Wuodan’s Wunde, as a musical entity, is shrouded in enigma and secrecy:

I hope to paint a picture with this eclectic approach and eccentric reflection of my influences, enough for the listener to connect his/her own dreams and visions to my grainy, noisy imperfect soundscapes. Instead of making up line-ups, artist names etc. I choose to tell my story in this way and keep info about the personnel in secrecy.

Wuodan’s Wunde says of the influences for the music:

I composed the music on the keyboard, like I would compose film music. Film music is another strong musical influence for me, and I think this is why Wuodan’s Wunde is not reluctant to create a tangible and consistent imagery. The 1924 movie by Fritz Lang on the Nibelungen myth played a vital role in setting the visual tone of the project. Lang’s historic works has passed through the prism and ethos of black-metal and dungeon synth.The deliberate unsteady, organic wavering, the warm micro-shifting of pitch, put through cold distortion and otherworldly lo-fi transformation into something both strange and familiar.

Steeped in nordic mythology, this is an enthralling and mysterious world. Track II, available to hear now, is a mysterious 12 minute melange of sounds – rapid fire percussion and cathedral organs creating eddies and swirls under the ghostly, demonic vocals. The music ebbs and flows in various movements, enigmatic, dramatic and laden with a sense of doom, leavened by brief moments of light shining through the dense wall of noise. The result is something that is bold and quite thrilling – ending in an almost medieval dirge that las the track to bed:

Pre-orders are now available through the link above.

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