Premiere: Danish trio 802 release debut single ‘My Girl’ and ambitious short film

What do you do when you want to introduce your new band? Get Casper Balslev to direct a 15-minute short film for your debut single? Probably not? Well, that’s what 802 did. Never let it be said they don’t go the extra mile because the song itself doesn’t even crack the two-and-a-half-minute barrier. Oh, and it’s a shoegazey noise-pop banger made by two guys from a Danish underground metal sub-scene and someone who’s spent the last while dabbling in grime and synths, collaborating with Raekwon and Kimbra. If that sounds like a lot, that’s the point.

Led by Andreas Asingh (grime and synths guy) and completed by Emil Sørensen and Andreas Beck (underground metal sub-scene guys), 802’s first single sounds nothing like you’d expect. If you’ve only got two minutes or want to check it out immediately, then you’re in luck because it’s already hit streaming. Where we come in is we’re premiering said 15-minute short film directed by Balslev, released under the subtitle of A Heavy Metal Bedtime Story. The song’s in there, but we’d advise you to watch the whole thing; it’s a rather touching coming-of-age film. Of it, the band say: “The video is about the downtime and the pastime you have as a young person in the countryside when all fun can seem so far away, and touches on the rebellious feeling that is often simmering under the surface. You are in constant rebellion with yourself and your surroundings. Who are you anyway? You reflect yourself in everyone around you and at the same time you want to be unique and completely your own. The desire to explore oneself and never grow up. The desire to be forever young.”

Got all that? OK, good, tune in below and keep an eye on these three – there’s more from 802 on the way soon, and they make their US bow at New Colossus Festival next week.

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