Premiere: Key Out go for an endless, shimmering and breathtaking ‘Drive’ ahead of new album out through False Peak Records and launch gigs.

We are immobilised with excitement at being able to bring you an exclusive listen to the new single from Sydney’s magnificent Key Out: one of the most exciting outfits in the antipodean scene at the moment.

‘Drive’ has that indefinable Key Out sound: mesmerising shimmering folds of instrumentation that daub brushstrokes from a colourful multi-layered palette, with Patrick Haid’s floating, yearning vocals sailing across the canvas, adding a sparkling lustre.

‘Drive’ has an epic majesty about it: evoking, as Key Out often do in their songs, a sense of timelessness and place: capturing filtered sunlight on a long lazy afternoon across the endless suburban folds of Sydney where the bright blue sky seems without end or definition. The lyrics (I believe) contrast a Monday morning dull routine – the stultifying ennuis of life – with the potential of freedom in a car with endless hypnotic journeys. The music is fittingly transfixing and hypnotic with a chorus that fills the heart.

The accompanying film clip is a close and enigmatic series of images that bounce off the immersive forward movement of the track:

‘Drive’ is out tomorrow on all the usual download/streaming sites through the brilliant False Peak Records and will be on the band’s newly announced album ‘afterville’ due out on 14 October. It follows earlier release ‘Face’ (see my review here) and one of my favourite albums of 2020 and, indeed all time, ‘anthropomorphia‘.

This is a breathtakingly magnificent band.

Key Out will be foreshadowing ‘afterville’ at select pre-launch and launch gigs in the coming weeks with more to be announced:

Fri 21 October – Link and Pin Woy Woy, with Dave Challinor (Sounds Like Sunset) and Buddy Glass
Sun 23 October – Golden Barley Sydney, with The Electorate

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