el paraiso records

New Track : Hear Landing’s New Track “Nod”; ‘Bells In New Towns’ Out May 4th
I came to Connecticut’s Landing by way of Denmark. We met up in a pub called El Paraiso Records, had a few pints, got to know each other, and now they are fast becoming a favorite ghost that haunts my skull. Thanks El Paraiso for introducing us. I have to say I’m a bit embarrassed …

Album Review : Nicklas Sørensen’s ‘Solo 2’
Nicklas Sørensen most recently blasted dreamy, psychedelic swaths of guitar on Papir’s 2017 record V. Within that Danish three-piece psych rock outfit, Sørensen can go from post-rock stoicism to 60s fuzzed-out freak out in seconds flat. He’s erased those boundary lines that seemed to box in the “guitar hero”. Jazzy introspection, distorted wah wah, and progressive lines …

Album Review : Mythic Sunship’s ‘Upheaval’
Mythic Sunship are a band that waste no time with subtleties. There’s no tip-toeing around whether things are gonna get loud and intense, as you know right as the first song begins to play on any of their albums that things are gonna get pretty damn loud. And pretty damn intense. But that’s not to …

Album Review : Nicklas Sorensen’s ‘Solo 2’
Nicklas Sørensen most recently blasted dreamy, psychedelic swaths of guitar on Papir’s 2017 record V. Within that Danish three-piece psych rock outfit, Sørensen can go from post-rock stoicism to 60s fuzzed-out freak out in seconds flat. He’s erased those boundary lines that seemed to box in the “guitar hero”. Jazzy introspection, distorted wah wah, and progressive lines …

Album Review : Videodrones’ ‘Nattens Hævn’
Videodrones makes music that grabs you by the jugular and doesn’t let go. It’s dark, brooding electronic music that conjures up late night flicks you’d come across when you were a kid in the witching hour. Vampires, zombies, demons, witches, and the supernatural emanating from your television as a strange, buzzing wave of music accompanied …

Album Review : Black Cube Marriage’s ‘Astral Cube’
Okay I’ll be honest, I’m not really sure what’s happening on Black Cube Marriage’s Astral Cube. Listening to it for the third time I’m considerably more intrigued than I was the first time I listened. That’s not to say the first listen wasn’t intriguing. The first time I put this record in my ears I …

Album Review: Videodrones – Mondo Ferox
“It’s pretty late, yet I still have a couple videotapes left to watch. I burned through some Argento, Fulci, Carpenter; now its time to jump into a stack of Gorgon Videos that I found tucked away in the back room of Video World. Faces of Death, A Night To Dismember, and Evil Dead Trap seem …

Meet: Jonas Munk interview – Music You Can Touch
Jonas Munk is no slave to one musical master. He can jump from electronic music, to krautrock, to ambient drone, and to psych rock without blinking an eye. Sometimes all those jumps can happen in the course of a day. An afternoon, even. Keeping things new and fresh is a vital part to how Munk …

Meet: A Talk With Jakob Skott
Way back in July of 2014 I was lucky enough to sit down and pick the brain of Causa Sui drummer and sound wizard Jakob Skott about his excellent albums Doppler and Amor Fati, as well as his work with Causa Sui. We also discussed running his own record label, El Paraiso Records, along with Causa Sui guitarist Jonas …

Album Review: Papir – IIII
Not too long ago I found this little slice of musical heaven located in Denmark. It’s a little record label that goes bythe name of El Paraiso Records. It was started by some guys in a band called Causa Sui in order to release their records to the listening public. As well as releasing Causa …