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Californian psychedelic rock, fuzz-laden sounds come to Brighton to a sold-out Chalk Venue and the dedicated fans were in for a treat! ‘Osees’ formed in California in 1997 and have over 20 albums under their belt and are renounced for their raucous chaotic live shows. The band was formally known as Thee Oh Sees, after …

You know John Dwyer, right? Him from the Osees/Oh Sees/OCS etc.? If so, you know he’s famously prolific, and even though his main gig have taken a year off from releasing anything under their various aliases, Dwyer’s put out albums as part of Bent Arcana and Witch Egg this year alone. Never one to miss …

POSSIBLY the absolute best live band in the world right now and for quite a while, John Dwyer’s Osees are determined we don’t go through our second pandemic spring without a prescription of garage rock fire, to be taken aurally. They’ve announced another Levitation Session for April 10th – if you caught either their Christmas …

WE NEED not look any further here at just how productive John Dwyer and the whole O Sees nexus is – suffice to say, wow; and just weeks on from the John Dwyer, Ted Byrnes, Greg Coates, Tom Dolas, Brad Caulkins album Snow Goose, our review of which you can find here, that particular free-roamin’ …

There’s so many ideas in Witch Egg, from so many genres and eras: mod, krautrock, free jazz, even acid jazz; they’re arrived at, explored at once, captured, moved on from. It speaks much of the restless creativity at the heart of this, John Dwyer. It’s quite a journey for a fringe music head

IF YOU thought a mere four albums in 2020 – the twin suns of Protean Threat and its through-the-looking-glass rerub Panther Rotate, the limited Metamorphose and the cassette-only Levitation Sessions – would maybe dry the wellspring of Osees’ John Dwyer, well boy! were you ever wrong; he’s back with a new associate project, who are …

OSEES – the band who Marc Riley called the “best live band in the world”, and he was so on the money – have released footage of a live take of “Gelatinous Cube”, from Big Sur, with the strict instructions: meant to be listened to loud on speakers. Watch and you know they’re absolutely on …

THE HIGHLY prolific psych-beasts Osees, formerly Thee Oh Sees, are back with more after the release of their album Protean Threat earlier this year. “Scramble Experiment”, the opener of their second album of the year, serves up the band’s recognisable garage boisterousness, the drumming as cataclysmic as ever. It is also a class in Osees’ …

A FRIDGE full of beers; pizza and chips in the oven, and a spread of crisps laid out: this is the ‘new normal’ for the live show experience during the Covid-19 pandemic. The surreal element of watching a band from halfway across the world from the comfort of the living room will likely never actually …

JOHN DWYER’S Osees. I mean, they’re an absolute force of nature; a vivacious, fiery, disciplined, fun, piledriving force. If you’ve never seen them, by jiminy you need to: kinda meh at Vampire Weekend on the main stage, I wandered into their second-stage headline set at End of the Road in 2018 and stopped dead. Absolutely …