Speedy Wunderground

News: Viji’s debut album is far from “Vanilla”
Austrian-Brazilian artist Viji, released her debut album, So Vanilla, on Speedy Wunderground on 27th October. A contemporary of Heartworms and Pretty Sick and others currently on the London Scene, Viji, real name Vanilla Jenner, has been causing quite a stir with her brand of riff laden layered guitar melodies on the slower end of Sonic …

TRACK: O. – OGO (Speedy Wunderground)
The South London duo O. have released their debut single ‘OGO’ on the Speedy Wunderground label. Formed during the first lockdown, Joseph Henwood (saxophone) and Tash Keary (drums) started improvising together at home with just acoustic sax and drums. ‘OGO‘ is an instrumental track and it mixes percussion and that baritone saxophone with wonderous results. …

NEWS: The Lounge Society release new single ‘No Driver’ from debut album Tired of Liberty set for release 26 August via Speedy Wunderground and confirm extensive UK and European tour
Hebden Bridge’s The Lounge Society have released new track ‘No Driver‘. It follows ‘Blood Money‘ the lead single from their debut album Tired of Liberty which is set for release on 26 August via Dan Carey’s Speedy Wunderground label. The Lounge Society released the EP Silk For The Starving last year and with music this …

EP Review: Lazarus Kane – ‘Psychobabble’
Just as one rainy British season follows another, the increasing excellence of another Speedy Wunderground alum is surely similarly guaranteed; Lazarus Kane perhaps no finer example. Their funk, Americanism-heavy swagger brought them the cult following they deserved. However, the band have just as abruptly dropped the character and thrust their complex yet incessantly repeatable song-writing …

Live review: Squid, Falmouth, May 18th: who finer to bring us back to the live experience?
FOUR hundred and forty-seven days. Yep, I counted; or rather some natty piece of online calculator software did. Fessin’ up: maths was never my strong point. Anyhow, that long since my last gig; 447 days. Maybe the longest time in my adult life. Yes, I recall the last time in great detail; do you? We …

Track: Stephen Fretwell returns with the beautifully restrained ‘Oval’
It’s been quite a while for Stephen Fretwell. As one of the people who adored his much lauded debut Magpie, and it’s follow up – 2007’s Man on the Roof, I (and I imagine quite a few others) wondered what had happened. Turns out family life, with Fretwell bringing up his two sons in Brighton, …

Album Review: Black Country, New Road- For the first Time
FURNISHING a burgeoning buzz from just two singles – albeit uniquely abrasive, jazz/noise flecked singles- and a feverish clamour for their live shows, Cambridge’s Black Country, New Road quickly set themselves apart from both their contemporaries. The band were also praised as “the best band in the world” by The Quietus. Again, within just two …

Track: Treeboy & Arc – Concept
Seminal label Speedy Wunderground is preparing for the release of the 29th single in their series and it’s from Leeds post-punk five piece Treeboy & Arc, who certainly announced their arrival with a minor prang involving a parked BMW next to the studio before even meeting label boss Dan Carey. Luckily, things took a turn …

Say Psych: Album Review: Flamingods – Levitation
Flamingods are a four-piece, multi-instrumental, multi-cultural band who originally met and formed in Bahrain & now call London home. The band was founded by Kamal Rasool and now consists of Rasool, Sam Rowe, Charles Prest & Karthik Poduval. The group puts a focus on exploration and experimentation, often taking influence from different cultures around the world by …