Track: The Waeve – Broken Boys

Kalpesh Lathigra

The Waeve composed of Graham Coxon and Rose Elinor Dougall have shared a new track, ‘Broken Boys’, taken from their forthcoming second album City Lights which is due out on the 20th September.

“The band had an identity this time around so we had a little bit more of a framework to know how we might operate,” notes Dougall of their differing approaches. “But obviously, the circumstances were quite different…”

Part starry eyed indie, part guitar led rock n roll, ‘Bad Boys’ is something completely different to anything else out there and all the better for it. Coxon lays some Blur style guitar work in between this duos marvelous and eccentric, almost experimental, wanderings. Many a music fan will be happy they have decided to release a second album.

Check it out, here

Find out more via the duo’s Website or Facebook

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