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Film Festival

One of the most well-known stories in the Bible is that of the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The younger brother leaves home and squanders his life and wealth, only to return home and be fondly welcomed back into the flock by his father. Over the centuries, this idea has been adapted into literature, art, …

picture of X-Ray Spex live gig.

Marianne Joan Elliott-Said was one of the most influential musicians and artists of the late 1970s. After watching an early Sex Pistols gig on Hastings pier, she put an advert in Melody Maker looking for ‘young punx who want to stick it together’. She became Poly Styrene and they became the X-Ray Spex. As a …

Jeanne and Jumbo

In the 21st century, love and sex come in countless shapes and sizes. Whilst many traditional cultures still adhere strictly to a marriage between a man and a ‘woman’, which is consummated on the wedding night, this is no longer the norm. Indeed, my friend tells me that a quick search on the internet will …

In order to successfully make a point, it’s often necessary to frame it within a story. Storytelling has been used from the time of early cave-dwellers for a number of different purposes. For example, parables in the Bible or Aesop’s Fables are used as forms of instructional, cautionary or morality tales. In Srdan Golubovic’s new …

More than any other time in modern history, people around the world are realising just how important animals are in our lives. Pets play a huge part in improving wellbeing, tackling anxiety and calming nervousness. We’re increasingly living more isolated lifestyles and whilst we might connect with others online, it’s not the same as that …

A group of workers

It doesn’t matter how much developed nations progress. How far science and technology drive any given society forward. Whilst capitalism exists in its current form, the rich will always get richer, the poor will always get poorer. Any cost-saving measures or industrial innovations come at the expense of jobs. Reduced prices for increasingly fragile labour …

Jahmal and his daughter

On the face of it, Chicago should be a thriving multi-cultural city. The population is roughly split between white, black and Hispanic communities. However, look a little closer and it soon becomes apparent that there’s a great gulf between rich and poor. This is typified and often categorised by the number of segregated neighbourhoods there …

For a species with a limited shelf life, we spend a bizarre amount of time thinking about death. Since early man we’ve surrounded our exit from the mortal coil with rituals and rites. Indeed, the ancient Egyptians seem to have built many of their pyramids with the intention of using them to fire the dead …

The second decade of the Twentieth Century was a turbulent, exciting period and a time of huge scientific, social, political and economic change. On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir apparent to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was assassinated Sarajevo. This would provide the catalyst for the culmination of decades of militarism, sparking the outbreak of …

Since the rise of ancient civilisations, humans have sought solace and instruction through religion. The concept of a God or gods seems to have sprung-up independently at all points of the compass. Whether these are supernatural, preternatural or merely other, they are a reflection of the people who offer them up for worship. There’s usually …