Track / Video

See: Joel Compass releases new video for Back To Me
I think its fair to say that if this new video from Joel Compass is even remotely true to life, me and him live very different lives. Quite often, me and my younger brother used to have to go to work with my Dad on a Saturday morning. He worked in a large garage in …

Track: Low Tide Theory – Time Will Tell, plus album news
When you look at a map of Britain, the thing that stands out about North Devon, is how far away it is, from just about everywhere. It’s on the edge of Exmoor I grant you, and impossibly beautiful, but there’s not really anything that stands out, or jumps out and grabs you when you look …

EP: Good Graeff release new EP of gorgeous indie folk – Better Half
You know what they say about dogs being like their owners, well that was the same for music students where I went to University, and I suspect it was (and is) the same everywhere. There was us, the brass players. Loud, brash, heavy drinking animals who arrived in college purely to find people to go …

See: Black Light Dinner Party – New Video ‘We are Golden’
I always loved cartoons. In my day growing up it was a mixture of things. From the funny ones, like Tom and Jerry and Roadrunner (I embarrassingly still laugh out loud at that) to the more serious, you know Ulysses and Battle of the Planets, Dungeons and Dragons to the more wholesome message of He-Man. …

Track: Super Water Sympathy announce new album, U.S. tour dates – with free download
It may seem strange for someone born right in the centre of rural England, but my first love was an American girl. She was sassy, she was brave and most of all, she was beautiful. She lived on a remote farm with her Grandfather and two (in my opinion over-protective) brothers, who dragged her along …

See: Dark Horses release new video for ‘Alone’
In my youth, the free time I spent, my simple pleasures, weren’t really ever that simple. To buy every vinyl release on Factory records, (if anyone has Quando Quango 12inches and early Durutti Column albums do contact me though….) watch every Jean-Claude Van-Damme movie (like I said, I was young) and to visit every professional and semi-professional football club in the country. …

Track: Josh Kumra – The Answer, plus new Album and Single Details
Off the top of my head, Diana Dors, Melinder Messenger and an unfathomable roundabout system are the only things of note to come out of Swindon. And of course XTC, a group that confused so many with their Prog-pop sort of Indie sort of, well, who knows. Well we can add another name to …

See: Everything Everything release video for Duet
I was a relatively unsuccessful footballer, looking back. I had major issues at the best level I ever played at, and I had to give up on it. When I got my fitness back a bit, and despite my terrible knees, I agreed to sign for a pub team in one of the local leagues …

New Music: Kodaline – High Hopes (Romare Remix)
I have this little seven-year old girl at home, and when she is not watching Scooby-Doo or arguing with her mother about brushing her hair, she is doing craft things. Paper, cartons, wrapping materials, glue and scissors are valuable commodities in our house because as soon as they are left for more than a matter …

New Music: Everything Everything – James Rutledge 'Arc' Album Remix
They told us we didn’t have many lectures on my music degree because we needed time to immerse ourselves in music, and that we needed three hours practise time per day. In our college there was this mystical place of dreams, and (more pertinently) scores, and books and records (yes, records) and CD’s. And when …