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Album Review: The Fall – The Real New Fall LP (Formerly Country On The Click) 20th anniversary reissue

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Album Review: Suburban Studs – Slam 2 CD Set On Cherry Red Records

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Album Review: Chelsea – The Step-Forward Years 1977-82 4CD Box Set

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  There was a time, back in my distant memory, when as a young teenager I used to disappear on my bike telling my parents “I’m just off out for a ride”, chain it to the railings of the local railway station and get the train into Birmingham. It was 1977 and I was 13. …

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To say that Cardinal Fuzz are on a roll would be an understatement. The label has a series of vinyl releases under its belt which have, to my ears, all been winners; and my previous recommendations of albums by The Dead Sea Apes and Vision Fortune might lead you to believe that I have some …

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Brace yourselves. This music is going to smash you up. Furious rhythms ? Check. Links with Johnny Cash ? Check (ex-Cash bassist catches them performing in Nashville, Tennessee and promptly joins them on their album) Clanging, roaring guitars ? Check. Drums that just won’t let you quit ? Check. Tom Verlaine’s spirit stolen from his …

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I first came across The Dead Kennedys when I was in my early teens, I was obsessed with the singles chart at the time and they were a band who, somehow, did not get their records played so much on the chart rundown on BBC Radio 1 on Sundays. I guess if Frankie’s Relax got …

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The Greek Islands in the brochures, always seem to look so beautiful and tranquil. Behind that though and everyone realises that they can be party Islands as well. When I had just started work (i.e. was desperately broke) I spent an entire day with my then housemate searching for deals on Teletext holidays (those were the …

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We’ve written about the Wet Nuns before (specifically here) but they’re back with a new EP  ‘Broken Teeth’. The  EP was recorded with Ross Orton (Yes, he of Arctic Monkeys, The Fall, MIA and  The Kills fame) at McCall Studios earlier this year. The release is planned for February 18th, just ahead of the band hitting …

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Picture the scene, the Mafia family boxing day celebrations and the brethren gathered from the four corners of the earth (well, Sheffield and London). Various offspring running riot, off their heads on chocolate. All adult males asleep in armchairs with jauntily angled paper hats on. And me, fearlessly tackling my second bottle of red. It’s …

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For me it wasThe Elephants. It was somewhere in Denmark, and they were Danish. They were (outrageously) below the bill than the band I was in, and so I wandered out to watch them, and was instantly blown away. On my return, the first things I did was buy their album, bang onto everyone I …

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