Vertigo Releasing

Film Review: The Vigil
There are strong links between religion, the supernatural and the occult. As human beings we seem to be fascinated by the unknown. Our genetic make-up seems to make us long for something else. A higher or outside power. This superstition or belief works so well in horror. Most obviously in a film such as The …

DVD Review: The Assistant
Whilst the outcry following the revelations surrounding Harvey Weinstein started a new debate about the treatment of women in Hollywood, his crimes are only the tip of an iceberg. Powerful men have been abusing women and girls for as long as the film industry has existed. At the extreme end this is sexual and physical, …

Film Review: Ghosts of War
Not all filmmakers are prolific. In fact, quite a few create an exciting debut and then suddenly disappear (seemingly) off the face of the Earth. To a large extent, this was the case with Eric Bress. In 2004, he released his first film, The Butterfly Effect. It was critically maligned but commercially successful. However, in …

Film Review: Saint Frances
Hollywood hasn’t exactly been progressive at addressing social issues over the years. Especially not those which impact directly on women. Indeed, since the inception of cinema the prevailing focus has consistently been on the male gaze. That is thankfully beginning to change as the industry finally opens its door to increasingly diverse voices; who bring …

Film Review: Fanny Lye Deliver’d
After Charles I lost his head, England, and the rest of ‘the Commonwealth’ for that matter, was thrown into turmoil. Whilst Cromwell’s New Model Army was exercising their puritanical zeal in the name of the Lord, something else was stirring in our fair lands. These strange and dangerous times are captured magnificently in Thomas Clay’s …

Film Review: Strange But True
The death of a loved one can place and almost intolerable burden on families and relationships. Issues which may have been simmering quietly below the surface can suddenly explode; causing huge ruptures. However, it’s impossible to tell how an individual will react to something like that. How they will deal with their grief. In Strange …

Film Review: Thunder Road
Traditionally, especially in Western societies, men and boys have been expected to control their emotions. Show a stiff upper lip and not let anything get to them. If there’s crying to be done then that’s women’s work. Whilst these perceptions have thankfully begun to change, male leads in films still regularly ascribe to the mean …

DVD Review: Fahrenheit 11/9
Michael Moore is one of those film-makers who you either love or hate. Whilst he’s obviously well-intentioned and has a knack of hitting the nail on the head, he also has a strong self-promotional line; making films which have a tendency to end up being as much about Michael Moore as anything else. Early work …

Film Review: The Hole in the Ground
The rehabilitation of the horror genre has coincided with the rise of A24. The American entertainment company have been responsible for some of the best mainstream horror films of the last five years. With the likes of Hereditary, It Comes at Night, The Witch, Under the Skin and Climax they’ve spearheaded a revolution. Their next …

DVD Review: The Escape
Gemma Arterton’s first appearance on the big screen was hardly the most auspicious beginning. Then again, St Trinian’s is hardly a film which will go down in history as anything other than being better than its sequel. However, slowly but surely the Kent native has managed to find roles which have allowed her to showcase …