In all honesty I kept looking at The Bug Club all the way through this sold out gig thinking, how the heck are they making this glorious noise with just three band members. Edinburgh gig-goers did not let the fact that this was a Sunday night put them off and this gig was upgraded to the Mash House due to demand for tickets.
The three piece are based in Caldicot, South Wales. Tilly plays bass and vocals, Sam plays guitar and vocals and Dan plays drums. Marc Riley of 6Music has long championed their uplifting, frenetic brand of garage rock, and live their energy is infectious. Off the back of a number of support slots with Bodega, this gig was an absolute delight. One of the highlights was ‘The Fixer‘ with it’s catchy chorus and breezy vibe. Tilly is deft at dancing on stage with the bass and not hitting the microphone stand, Dan cannot stop grinning throughout and Sam’s guitar playing is so good for the soul. Of course one of the joys of gigs in these independent venues is that you inevitability have the opportunity to chat to the band afterwards. The Bug Club were as gracious off stage as they were entertaining onstage – and I for one was bitten and have every intention of catching them live again this year.

The Bug Club have an extensive UK tour in the autumn. Please see below for more details.
For more information on the band please check out their facebook and bandcamp.

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