Opium Dublin

News: Brass Against to play four Irish dates in October 2023
In this politically challenging era, it’s time to stand up against the machine. Brass Against is a collective of artists, led and curated by Brad Hammonds, who share in the goal of creating brass protest music that calls fans to action.Brass Against wants the music they perform to sound inspiring and resonate with people’s emotions, …

Gallery & Set-lists: Faun / Bog Bodies – Opium, Dublin 08.04.2023
German pagan folk / darkwave band Faun brought their Pagan tour to Dublin’s Opium, with Irish druid-rock / bog-rock outfit Bog Bodies opening the night. Bog Bodies photos and set-list: This Reality / JigDead Are DancingSurvivingFirelightersThe RegimeJaw HarpDaithi Listen to Bog Bodies here: https://bogbodiesband.bandcamp.com/album/reclaim-the-ritual Faun photos and set-list: Andro Diese kalte NachtAlba WalpurgisnachtBaldur Odin GwydionNacht des NordensFeuerIdunaGaldraYlfa spereRhiannon_______________________Wenn Wir …

Live Review: Duda Beat – Opium, Dublin 18,04,2022
They say its always good to try something new and different, with that in mind I noticed that Brazilian Pop/MPB singer Duda Beat (Eduarda Bittencourt Simões) was playing a venue I had not yet ever photographed in! so I said I would kill two birds with one stone.I wasn’t sure what to expect crowd wise, …