Album Review: The Jesus and Mary Chain reveal their stunning ‘Glasgow Eyes’ – an intoxicating mix of swagger and attitude with just a hint of reflection.

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EP: The delicately beautiful ‘Creatures of Habit’ from Brisbane artist Aren’t is an exquisite triumph. Plus news of launch date.

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Premiere: Versari exclusively unveil for us their new EP Brûle: an epic filled with glorious edits and remixes casting a whole new light on the originals

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Australian born, Paris-based artist Karen Vogt has blessed these pages in the past with her band, the magnificent Heligoland (see our interview and review of their last album ‘This Quiet Fire’ here). She has now announced a new collaboration with ambient experimental composer Pepo Galán which will see an album entitled ‘The Sweet Wait’ released November …

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The rich and luscious sounds on Sophie Mahon‘s ‘Bogart’s Eyes’, premiered here in Backseat Mafia today, transports one to the eighties: there is a palpable new romantic shimmer and an incandescent glow. You cannot help but think of it being a counterpart to ‘Bette Davis Eyes’ by Kim Carnes, with dollops of a Bryan Ferry/Roxy …

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We are very proud to premiere the double sided single release from esteemed Sydney-based artist Pluto Jonze (Hey Geronimo). ‘Moonmaking’ and ‘Dot’ are two sides of the same sparkling coin: psychedelic-tinged melodic delights that literally float on a bed of harmonies and shimmering instrumentation. ‘Moonmaking’ is the more ethereal of the two: Jonze’s velvet melancholic …

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The winner of the best guitarist in the universe and nicest chap alive (by me anyway), Johnny Marr, has just announced the release of a new EP entitled ‘Fever Dreams Pt 1’ and unveiled a luminescent video for first single off the EP, the jangling, hyperactive ‘Spirit Power & Soul’. The legendary songwriter and guitarist …

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We are honoured to premiere the sparkling new single ‘Milky Way’ by Sydney singer/songwriter Richard Cuthbert. And just like the title, it is a stellar jewel-encrusted feature in the musical firmament. Cuthbert previously fronted Cuthbert and the Nightwalkers, winners of the 2JJJ Unearthed competition back in 2007, and released a glorious solo album ‘Peach Plum‘ …

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There is no doubting the legendary status of Dean Wareham, whose band Galaxie 500 in the late eighties defined a gentle low-fi poetic brilliance and melodic genius that influenced and enhanced the shoegaze/dream pop genre. After Galaxie 500 burned ever so brightly between 1987 and 1991, releasing three landmark albums in the process, Wareham formed …

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Hailing from Tallinn, Estonia, Pia Fraus have proven to be one of the most fascinating and enduring shoegaze bands of the past twenty years, made all the more unusual by the fact that they emerged from Eastern Europe, an area not known for this genre. Their debut album, ‘Wonder What it’s Like’, was released in …

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There’s a laid back and cool inflection to the debut EP ‘Which Way To Go’ from Queensland native and Melbourne resident Liam Turner, that creates an innate sense of comfort and ease. The jazz tone is augmented by Turner’s smooth and languid vocals and the dappling guitars that ripple enticingly across the tracks. Opening track ‘Square …

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Melbourne’s Children Collide have been a vital beating heart of the Australian indie music scene, and after a nine year break are back with swagger and style with their new album ‘Time Itself’, out now through Spinning Top Records. With a deceptively tamed jangling start, ‘Man of the People’ erupts into a mountainous riff-laden fuzzy …

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It is an unusual situation to find myself lauding an album that just debuted at number 4 on the Australian music charts in the company of what could be loosely described as commercial pop artists (not the kind of milieu I generally write about). But then that just about sums up Holy Holy‘s universal appeal. …

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