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Album Reviews

EP Review: The Love Buzz Shine On ‘No Different’

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Say Psych: Album Review: Maquina – PRATA

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EP Review: Liverpool Genre-Bending Quartet Bonk! Shine On ‘The Act Of Doing It’ EP

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Dutch three piece Labasheeda, aka Saskia van der Giessen (vocals, guitar, violin) Arne Wolfswinkel (guitar) and Aletta Verwoerd (drums) make this sort of experimental, unsettling music, that is often mind boggling with its constant changes of direction, often mid song. Over the years they’ve released a handful of increasingly well received records. Their latest, Changing …

The general consensus seems to be that Aerosmith were at something of a creative peak in the mid 70s and would never again to reach the such lofty heights again, regardless of their later commercial success. Now this is a bit simplistic for me, as in their post-Run-D.M.C. days, they’ve released some of the finest …

By 1991, although my roots were still embedded in Hip Hop, the rest of me was leaning ever more towards the ends of indie rock and the birth of britpop. I had just moved to Cirencester from Loughborough and was still getting to grips with the shift in culture when, one lazy and hungover Saturday …

Birmingham, England’s Table Scraps are a duo that sound like more than the sum of their parts. The racket they make on their debut album More Time For Strangers is that of a Gothic Ty Segall; a hollowed-out, ghostly Stooges haunting Blue Cheer on some abandoned, dilapidated Michigan farm. This is dark, bellowing garage rock coming from …

When the Pixies released the first of their three EPs after a prolonged absence, back in 2013, many suspected that the decision to stagger their new material was deliberately made to circumvent the critical emphasis that would have been inevitably placed on the songs, had they been released together in the traditional album format. It’s …

Springfield, Missouri five piece Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, despite the fantastic name, were a band that had largely passed me by. So reviewing The High Country, the bands fourth album – out now on Polyvinyl, was a voyage of discovery for me. As it turns out it was a very enjoyable journey as …

In Colour is a great title for the debut record by producer Jamie xx. It’s crisp, tight, brimming with hues, shapes, and various shades of light. It doesn’t feel like a producer showing his programming chops off. It’s not a Mark Ronson-like spectacle where Jamie xx is bringing in all of the famous pals he knows …

Sometimes having big money thrown at you can take the edge of off a band but with Pins it has made them stronger. Yes, the edges are smoother thanks to Dave Catching after they travelled to the Joshua Tree to work at his Rancho De La Luna, but that’s no bad thing. The vocals and …

Even the name has this sense of contradiction. The cutesy of the bunny, doing something rough, unexpected, with the grunt. And so it is with the band Bunnygrunt, who have spent the last forever ploughing this field between c86 indie pop and messier DIY punkish behaviour, sadly, much to the ignorance of the masses, but …

A ‘Dog called Rat’ is the second album from Pearl TN, self-styled ‘Purveyors of Mountain Pop’ with a pedigree in music spanning several decades and genres. It was recorded at Charlie Harts ‘Equator Studios’ as well as at Jools Hollands ‘Helicon Mountain Studios’. Jools is a staunch supporter of Pearl TN and has given them …