Live Review: Boston Manor +Jools – o2 Academy, Birmingham 17.02.2022 plus gallery

Up & coming band Jools certainly know how to get a party started. Their vibes are incredible and the fast filling 2nd room of the Birmingham o2 Academy is edging closer to the stage to take in everything this 7 piece have to offer. It’s clear to see why every single member is there as their sound, talent and stage presence gets the audience screaming. Behind this beautifully dressed band are some very clever and poignant lyrics (courtesy of Kate Price) proving that they are more than just a pretty face. Kate gets all the credit she deserves and then some when it comes to her lyrics; it’s great to a see a female lyricist take to the stage amongst the post-punk scenes being created. Front man Mitchell Gordon clearly enjoys every second he has on stage and makes the most of every photo op that he gets. Whilst their sound is pretty unique and very different from Boston Manor’s, they know exactly how to lure everyone in and leave them wanting more.

There is strength and power in equality, especially when it comes from a heavily male show. This “safe space” atmosphere is lead by Jools and is continued throughout the evening with all 3 bands making sure everyone looks after each other and has a good time.

For a handful of people this is their first show in 3 years and you can tell that they have been preparing themselves for “the most postponed rock show” of the pandemic. Whilst they start off quieter than expected to begin with, it doesn’t take long for them to show off the noise they can make. ‘Bad Machine’ gets this group of gig goers to make the most noise of the night so far and the noise only increases from here. Henry Cox sure knows how to work a crowd, even when it comes to simply talking to them; he lets this Birmingham audience know that “whilst they are a Blackpool band, he is in fact a brummy” causing almost every person in the room to lose their mind. He revels in the sounds of a singing crowd and they do the same thing right back. It’s quite incredible how easy Henry makes the transition from screaming to singing look.

As the night gets heavier as it goes on, more jumping and moshing is encouraged by Boston Manor. “There’s a lot of fun things happening in the middle here” is an off hand comment made by Henry letting everyone know that he implores everyone to get a little bit rowdy for one of the heaviest songs of the evening, ‘You, Me & The Class War”. As mentioned, Boston Manor certainly carry on this safe space environment; whilst moshing is encouraged, looking after each other, picking people up if they fall or calling a time out for bigger problems is encouraged even more. Every song from ‘Liquid’ onwards just gets louder. Their decision to end on ‘Halo’ couldn’t have been more perfect; the room was bursting at the seams with a mix of singing, moshing and hands in the air with what is arguably the band’s best song.

“Society should think itself lucky that women want equality and not revenge” – Kate Price

Previous Album Review: God is God – Metamorphoses: shape shifting electronic music and song.
Next Live Review: Paradise Lost / Moonspell - Club Academy, Manchester 16.02.2022

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