Live Review: The Japanese House – Roundhouse, London 09.05.2024

Victoria Wai

By Victoria Wai

In The End It Always Does, is what Amber Bain AKA The Japanese House proved as she played a SOLD OUT Roundhouse in Camden, as I have witnessed her steady climb from 100-300 capacity sold out tours and from this she will go onto play some huge US venues.

Stepping onto the stage to a full house of loud cheers and starting with Touching Yourself, to the white staging setup with colour changing globes, this night at the Roundhouse, for the second album felt very iconic for so many reasons but most notably the fandom that took up every space of venue, with Bain noting on seeing a banner — one of many they interacted with but this particular one, ‘Thank God For The Gays,’ was read out to huge cheers including many allies in the audience, which is a huge testament to the music of The Japanese House — pure joy for everyone. Throughout the whole show it felt like a huge choir but that moment leading into Boyhood was one of many takeaway moments and anthems of the night. The full house were jumping and singing their hearts out non stop.

With such a strong set list showcasing the sophomore album ITEIAD we were also treated to the Chewing Cotton Wool EP with Bain and the band handling Justin Vernon’s chorus as if he was in the room for Dionne. We also had five songs from first album, Good At Falling, with personal favourite tearjerker, Saw You In A Dream. Prior this, Bain said, “Shall we play something sad and emotional?”, summarising the whole night before delving into Over There.

The Japanese House back catalogue is consumed with banger after banger and although some of our top favourites were not there, this mini ring of dates on the back of the wider but smaller venue tour for ITEIAD in October 2023, had you caught up in all the emotions, that in the finale we went way back to beginning with Still then new song that Bain claims as, “probably my favourite song that I’ve ever written,” before delving into Smiley Face to a crowd of similar feels as the night ended fittingly with Sunshine Baby while declaring, “I will never forget this,” as the capacity crowd agreed, it feels right to quote said song, “Well, I’ve gone a little crazy, surely, someone’s gonna save me now,” cos Amber Bain you did save us this night and always will.

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