Ignitemares are a three piece punk band in the vane of Toy dolls by the sound of their latest offering. Coming out of Wales, they take what is topical and add there slice of welsh humour to spice it up, but with a very keen eye on not losing the message.

‘Bombs and Promises’ is a satirical, up beat number poking fun at the United States and the Brits who romanticise them.
Written and recorded during lockdown, this short a nd punchy track, has all the guile of Greenday, but never really takes itself seriously, except lyrically of course, wit is used to make a point that needs to be made.
All proceeds are to go to the Black Lives Matter campaign.
Available from 3rd July 2020
Pre-order from Smash House Records via Bandcamp
Pre-save for Streaming on all major platforms HERE
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