London indie pop band Teleman played Dublin’s Button Factory an from the minute they hit the stage everyone was dancing.
Support came from twin sisters from Sweden, 7ebra (not a typo, its pronounced Zebra but the girls spell it with a 7!)
7ebra photos and set-list:

Secretly Bad
I Like To Pretend
If I Ask Her
Lighter Better
Rude Body
Done With The Day
I Have A Lot To Say
Teleman photos and set-list:

Trees Grow High
Fun Destruction
Skeleton Dance
Wonderful Times
Fall In Time
Song For A Seagull
(Song inserted here as drum issues at start of Cactus, didnt get the name of song)
Cactus (once drum issues was sorted)
Hello Everybody
Strange Combinations
Good Time/Hard Time
Short Life
Not In Control
Glory Hallelujah
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