News: Mellt announce new album ”Dim Dwywaith” & share single

Photo credit: Sam Stevens

Today, Cardiff indie-rock trio Mellt announce their second full-length album, Dim Dwywaith.
News of Dim Dwywaith‘s imminent arrival comes accompanied by a second taster of the album – following May’s ‘Ceisio‘ (‘Trying‘) single – in the guise of ‘Diwrnod Arall‘ (‘Another Day‘), a bright and blustery slice of indie-rock that beneath its lighter veneer finds the band taking a despairing look at where technological developments have brought us. “Does dim synnu bod e’n anodd anwybyddu / Y teclyn yn dy law sy’n gwrando ar ti nawr (No wonder it’s hard to ignore / The device in your hand is listening to you now),” guitarist/vocalist Glyn Rhys-James sings atop a rangy, winking instrumental. “It sounds quite serious when we say [things like that], but I think it is littered with quite funny lines as well, and things that kinda take the edge off of it,” he says. “We don’t pretend to have all the answers to all the problems that we talk about. But I think there’s this element of humour that brings it down to earth a bit more.”

Tour Dates

July 15th | Cardiff, UK – Tafwyl
Aug 9th-11th | Boduan, UK – Eisteddfod Genedlaethol

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